Monday, December 06, 2010

Dec. 7

Facebook Changes:

Cooking Activity
- Listening:Choose one cooking video on the Good Housekeeping website. Note down the key points.

Unit Project:
For the unit project, you have one of two options. To publish a recipe online, or to write a restaurant review on TripAdvisor

For restaurant review, include:
-Give your overall impression.
-Describe the atmosphere.
-Describe the service.
-Describe some of the menu.
-Describe the taste, feel, and smell of the food (using vocab vocabulary we studied)
-Describe the cost and portion sizes.
-Would you recommend this? To whom?

Other points:
-Be critical! (Give positive AND negative points).
-Spell check!
-Remember Westerners will read this. (They may not know specific Japanese food or ingredients, but many do have an interest in Japanese foods and atmosphere.)

To publish the restaurant review, go to / Click Register Now on the top right / Enter your data & click Sign Up Now! / Under the Quick Links section (towards the bottom), click Write a Review / Click the field for restaurant & then type the name* / Follow the instructions and post your review (it may take time for it to be published… WHEN it is published search for your review and add the URL and your review to Facebook >> Group Page >> Discussion).

*If you cannot find the restaurant, you have to ask TripAdvisor to add it. It will take time.

For a recipe.
-List the ingredients (and their portions).
-Write the preparations using the cooking vocabulary from the link below.
-Be specific. Write at least 5 sentences.
-Use time words: First, / Then / After that, / While…,…

To publish the recipe, go to / Click Sign Up on the top right / Paste or enter your data & click Submit / Follow the instructions on the right - don't forget to add the ingredients & preparation steps one at a time / After you finish, search for your recipe and add the URL and your recipe to Facebook (group page >>> Discussion Tab).