Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Putting feeds to your blog, web site (Google home page), or Google Reader.

A feed (RSS) is information or data from a web site or blog that is often updated. You can subscribe to the
se feeds if you want updated information on your blog or web site. This can save you time, since you don't have to click links or type URLs; all the information is available on one site.

...updated news from your favorite web site
...recent blog posts from your friends
...updated pictures from your friends

You can add feeds to your "My page" from your Ferris email:
Click on the "Start page" and the "add new stuff" on the right

You can add feeds to your blog:
From your blog, click "design", then "add a gadget", and then "feed"
日本語: カスタマイズ、 ガジェットを追加、フィード

You can make a Google reader page:

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