Monday, June 07, 2010

Movie Listening Activities

1. ELLLO Movie Activities

2. Movie Reviews by film critics

Before watching/listening, it is helpful to read the plot and reviews of the movie first.

1) Search for a movie you like or want to see.

2) Notice if the critics like the movie ("Thumbs Up" or "Watch it") or not ("Skip it" or "Thumbs Down")

3) Listen (first the plot and then their opinion)

4) Try to note down reasons why the critics liked or didn't like the movie.

(If it is very difficult for you, just take notes on key words that you hear.)


Movie Reviews by young guys (in animation style)

Same as above:

There scale for how good a movie is (Step 2 above):

Same old bullsh*t = terrible / nothing new

Rental = not that good, but worth renting at a video store

Matinee = okay, worth seeing at the theater during the day (which is cheap in the US)

Full price = good; see it at the theater

Better than.... = you must see it!!!

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