Sunday, July 18, 2010

Making Web Activities

Choose a topic with your partner & make internet activities

Examples: Food Roller Coasters Soccer Golf


-Learn how to find activities on the web to develop your English in the future

-Continue learning English about topics you like

With a partner, develop web activities for a topic (put it on one blog post). The last class, other students will try your activities.

1. Choose a topic (food, drinking, fashion, amusement parks, fireworks, hot springs, sports, weather, photography, relationships, etc.)

2. Start finding activities

a. Vocabulary: A vocab list

-Find a site which gives a good word list for your topic.


-Find an image which shows some vocab & put it on your site


-Search web sites on your topic and make your own list

of useful words (& their definition).

Note: Make sure the words are not too easy or technical

b. Reading

i. Find an interesting article that students can read about the topic.

You will link to it.

ii. Write instructions about what you want students to do when reading.

(Find the main points or answer some questions....).

c. Listening

i. Search Google Video, You Tube, or ELLLO and find an interesting, useful video.

ii. Make some questions

iii. Embed the video in your post if you can (You Tube videos)

d. Writing (Publishing Project - Optional)

i. Try to find a site or forum where students can write about the topic.

Design points:

1. Use color (in general, use just 2 colors that are easy to read & match - not like this), bold print, or size to make your vocab list more clear

2. Link key words instead of pasting the link

Good: Elllo Football Article

Not Good:

3. Embed video

4. For question answers, try hiding the answer using the background color for the text

How do you do it? Highlight>>> like this

Extra points:

- Make quia activities: like this (click 30 day free trial)

- Add a tagged photo


Did you find fun,useful activities?
Did you do all the parts?
(vocab, reading & listening + questions, writing --- optional)
Did you have a good design (embed video, few errors, colors, etc.)?

Please tell me the link to your activities by next TUESDAY at 10AM.

Click "comment" button below and tell me your topic, URL, and your name(s).


akanyan said...

Hi Calab. My name is Akane Hasegawa ,and partner is Chiharu.My topic is fireworks. URL:

Masumi said...

Hi Caleb. My name is Masumi Nagatsuka. I could not do homework with Miho, so I did my homework alone. And, my topic is fashion.This is the URL:

saetan said...

Hi, Caleb. My name is Sae Shimomura.My topic is sweets.
Here is my URL↓

Saori H said...

Hello, Mr.Caleb.

Kako and I finished the last activity;-) So check this!

This is my blog, so there is no activity in Kako's blog. Our topic is about Aquarium. Thanks to your helping, we can do this nicely! Thank you!!!

YuKi said...

Hello,caleb! I'm Yuki Yoshida,and my partner is Eira Sato.Our topic is about food! (including junk food) Please check it out!

ranchi said...

Hello, Caleb. My name is Ran Oikawa. I did my homework by myself. My topic is about fireworks. This is my URL so please check it.


Yurika said...

Hi,Caleb. My name is Yurika Jinno. My topic is golf. Please check my blog!!

tomomin said...

Hi caleb. My name is tomomi takenaga.
My topic is "fushion".

Please check it.

nahoco said...

Hello Caleb. My name is Nahoko Kemmotsu,and partner is Tomomi Takenaga.
Our topic is "fashion" on the Tomomi`s blog.


nahoco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♥Minnie♥ said...

Hi Caleb.
My name is Erika.
My topic is Ballet.
This is the blog's URL.
I'm sorry too late.

aaatan said...

Hi Caleb, I am Yoken. My topic is soccer. URL:

Anonymous said...

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