Monday, May 10, 2010

Unit Project (20 Points): write a movie review

* Choose a movie you love, hate, or recently saw

* Write your review (see below) for homework by June 15th.

* Publish on your blog

* We will publish it on in class on June 15th

1st paragraph: Write a plot summary (4-5 sentences)

-The film title, setting (when & where), and key characters are introduced first.

-The conflict (the problem) and what happens next is introduced.

Use some time phrases "Then", "Next", "After ***"", "Meanwhile"

-The ending is NOT given.

-Everything is written in the present tense ("She goes..." NOT "She went.").

2nd paragraph: Write your review of the movie (3-5 sentences)

-Critically evaluate the movie. (Say good things AND bad things about it.)

-Use at least 4 vocabulary words from this class.

-Overall, should we see this movie? Why?

My example is here.

1 comment:

ayakashuka said...

I'm sorry that I absented last week:before the GW.So now I made a blog.Please link this URL.
take care!!

Ayaka Ohkubo