Monday, December 06, 2010
Dec. 7
Cooking Activity - Listening:Choose one cooking video on the Good Housekeeping website. Note down the key points.
Unit Project:
For the unit project, you have one of two options. To publish a recipe online, or to write a restaurant review on TripAdvisor
For restaurant review, include:
-Give your overall impression.
-Describe the atmosphere.
-Describe the service.
-Describe some of the menu.
-Describe the taste, feel, and smell of the food (using vocab vocabulary we studied)
-Describe the cost and portion sizes.
-Would you recommend this? To whom?
Other points:
-Be critical! (Give positive AND negative points).
-Spell check!
-Remember Westerners will read this. (They may not know specific Japanese food or ingredients, but many do have an interest in Japanese foods and atmosphere.)
To publish the restaurant review, go to / Click Register Now on the top right / Enter your data & click Sign Up Now! / Under the Quick Links section (towards the bottom), click Write a Review / Click the field for restaurant & then type the name* / Follow the instructions and post your review (it may take time for it to be published… WHEN it is published search for your review and add the URL and your review to Facebook >> Group Page >> Discussion).
*If you cannot find the restaurant, you have to ask TripAdvisor to add it. It will take time.
For a recipe.
-List the ingredients (and their portions).
-Write the preparations using the cooking vocabulary from the link below.
-Be specific. Write at least 5 sentences.
-Use time words: First, / Then / After that, / While…,…
To publish the recipe, go to / Click Sign Up on the top right / Paste or enter your data & click Submit / Follow the instructions on the right - don't forget to add the ingredients & preparation steps one at a time / After you finish, search for your recipe and add the URL and your recipe to Facebook (group page >>> Discussion Tab).
Monday, November 29, 2010
Recipe Activity - Reading:
Go to this web site and choose a recipe. Copy the ingredients and cooking methods to a Facebook (Ferris Internet English Wall Page). Site the source.
Option1: Don't say the name of the recipe. Ask others to guess the food.
Option 2: Change one ingredient or step. Ask others to guess the mistake.
Cooking Activity - Listening:
Choose one cooking video on the Good Housekeeping website. Note down the key points.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Food Day 2 (restaurants)

Restaurant Reviews
Read the following reviews from, and guess (out of 5) how many stars they were given. Click on the restaurant name to check your answer.
Sisiliya (
Naturale Buono (
WindJammer Jazz Bar (
Fujimamas (Tokyo): Fujimamas misses the mark. Firstly the service was really poor. We were "greeted" by a grumpy American lady who ignored us for about 5 minutes before seating us. The food itself was not dreadful but not very good either. The recipes were neither authentic nor creative. The atmosphere was ok. It was busy with a tourist crowd who were coming in from sightseeing. The bill included a service charge which is totally unheard of in
Kanda Yabu Soba (
Soba is the star, but there are many other wonderful tasty tidbits to go with your Sake or beer if you prefer, like Tendane, the crisp round shrimp tempura patty that stays crispy in the sauce, it can come by itself or with a bowl hot soba in broth or with a tray of cold Zaru Soba with a bowl of sauce for dipping and slurping. It’s all good here.
Silverado (
Unit Project (to be discussed more next week):
For the unit project, you have one of two options. To publish a recipe online, or to write a restaurant review on TripAdvisor (like above), including the following:
-Give your overall impression.
-Describe the atmosphere.
-Describe the service.
-Describe some of the menu.
-Describe the taste, feel, and smell of the food (using vocab
Listen to the commercials & try to answer the questions.
1. Long John’s Silver What can you get for $1.99
2. Pizza Hut How do they make there pizza (3 things)? with...
3. Pizza Hut (2) What are the qualities of the pizza?
4. Dominoes What does the father say about the pizza? (why is the best... ever")?
5. Red Lobster Why is their seafood “good”?
Famous commercials:
6. Wendy's What is the problem?
7. Life cereal Why do the kids not want to eat cereal?
If you have time: How many 3-star restaurants are there in Tokyo? Paris?
English Central: Food (don't forget to sign in)
1. one piece of fish, three shrimp, & fries 2. dough made fresh everyday, pure mozzarella cheese, the finest toppings 3. all those toppings, that deep chewy crust, two layers of cheese 4. golden brown crust, melted cheese,... juicy pepperoni, sausage 5. the freshest fish 6. Where's the beef?! (patty too small) 7. Supposed to be good for you.
Imagine you are on vacation in Caleb’s hometown of
Your budget $12, including tip
Your budget: $15, including tip
You can splurge: $50 budget
Check out the mistakes on menus at Try to understand why each is funny and fix it.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Writing Projects (to be explained later)
Write a restaurant review & post online
Write a recipe & post online
Sites for English Students (elllo)
6 people: Food Cravings
6 people: Junk Food: Who are you most similar to?
Ethnic Foods
Food Issues
English Central: Food (don't forget to sign in)
Authentic listening (not designed specifically for learners)
National Geographic Food Videos (click Culture and then Food on the left menu)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Your Activities!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Making Web Activities
Choose a topic with your partner & make internet activities
Examples: Food Roller Coasters Soccer Golf
-Learn how to find activities on the web to develop your English in the future
-Continue learning English about topics you like
With a partner, develop web activities for a topic (put it on one blog post). The last class, other students will try your activities.
1. Choose a topic (food, drinking, fashion, amusement parks, fireworks, hot springs, sports, weather, photography, relationships, etc.)
2. Start finding activities
a. Vocabulary: A vocab list
-Find a site which gives a good word list for your topic.
-Find an image which shows some vocab & put it on your site
-Search web sites on your topic and make your own list
of useful words (& their definition).
Note: Make sure the words are not too easy or technical
b. Reading
i. Find an interesting article that students can read about the topic.
You will link to it.
ii. Write instructions about what you want students to do when reading.
(Find the main points or answer some questions....).
c. Listening
i. Search Google Video, You Tube, or ELLLO and find an interesting, useful video.
ii. Make some questions
iii. Embed the video in your post if you can (You Tube videos)
d. Writing (Publishing Project - Optional)
i. Try to find a site or forum where students can write about the topic.
Design points:
1. Use color (in general, use just 2 colors that are easy to read & match - not like this), bold print, or size to make your vocab list more clear
2. Link key words instead of pasting the link
Good: Elllo Football Article
Not Good:
3. Embed video
4. For question answers, try hiding the answer using the background color for the text
How do you do it? Highlight>>> like this
Extra points:
- Make quia activities: like this (click 30 day free trial)
- Add a tagged photo
Did you find fun,useful activities?
Did you do all the parts?
(vocab, reading & listening + questions, writing --- optional)
Did you have a good design (embed video, few errors, colors, etc.)?
Please tell me the link to your activities by next TUESDAY at 10AM.
Click "comment" button below and tell me your topic, URL, and your name(s).
Monday, July 12, 2010
Checking out each other's travel itineraries
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Project: Publish your Travel Advice, Review, or Comment (20 points)
--Due July 19th--
1. Choose 1 of the following,
-WikiTravel (edit a wiki & describe Japanese tourist sites - facts only, no opinions) (review 1 flight/airline)
-TripAdvisor (review hotel, restaraunt, attraction, or location, or add a page)
-TripAdvisor Forum - Japan (give advice to people travelling to Japan on the forum)
2. Write 4+ sentences
-Write in paragraph form (but on Wikitravel, it is okay to add sentences to other paragraphs).
-Try to use the vocabulary we studied.
-Write formally (no hearts, etc.)
-Remember that non-Japanese will read it, so think about what foreigners want to do & what they know
(Japanese or Western things? / traditional or modern? / complicated or simple activities? / cute? / expensive?)
3. Edit the grammar and spelling!
-You should probably check it with Microsoft Word. I will check, too, if we have time.
4. Publish
On Wikitravel, press "edit" or "add listing"
On AirlineQuality, fill in the form
For the TripAdvisor Reviews, find the place you want to review & fill in the required fields
For the TripAdvisor Forum, find a comment you can reply to & click "Reply"
--For TripAdvisor, you need to register to the site.--
5. Copy & paste the review, advice, or description you wrote & the URL on your blog.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Travel plan assignment
1. Your travel style & overview of your trip
2. A photo (creative commons photo ; add the photographer's name)
3. Your flight details
4. Your hotel
5. Sightseeing destinations
Other (optional): eating/drinking/getting around/staying safe
Describe each using vocabulary words we studied in class (from the surveys & games on the blog)
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Checking travel tips & advice
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Putting feeds to your blog, web site (Google home page), or Google Reader.
A feed (RSS) is information or data from a web site or blog that is often updated. You can subscribe to these feeds if you want updated information on your blog or web site. This can save you time, since you don't have to click links or type URLs; all the information is available on one site.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Sightseeing Spot Activities
1. Describing destination vocab
Choose a destination, and watch the video. Take notes each place. What is it? What can you do there? Why is it special?
3. (Reading) Traveler Comments on sightseeing spots.
-Go to
-Go to the country you chose & one city you will visit
-Click "Things to do"
-Read some TripAdvisor Traveler Reviews & note down 3 reasons travellers liked or didn't like the place
4. Search for places to visit on your trip
Search the following web pages and choose at least 2 destinations in the country you will visit. Explain your choices on your blog.
5. Update your post about your vacation.
Write about 2 or 3 destinations you are going to visit and why.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Searching about airlines
Have you ever ridden JAL or ANA? In the future, which would you rather ride JAL or ANA? Why?
-Search Skytrax ( and compare JAL and ANA rankings (Open two pages: ctrl + N).
Which airline is ranked higher? What are some good points (5 stars) and weak points (1-3 stars) about JAL or ANA?
-Read people's comments about JAL or ANA. Choose two positive comments (8-10 score) and two negative comments (0-5 points).
Write down at least 2 reasons (key words or phrases) why the passengers either liked or didn't like the flight.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Movie review reminder
How to publish on IMDb
I will grade your movie review next week, so make sure you publish your review on your blog. Add the URL from IMDb to your post if you can (for a maximum A grade).
More flying activities
-Listen and practice flight announcements (for English students).
-More vocabulary & quizzes
-Interesting flight attendant (in flight announcement rap) . News program about him.
NEW >> Airline commercials: what is each advertising? Virgin Air Southwest Alaska
Order the flight process
* Buckle your seat belt & prepare for takeoff
* Get your boarding pass
* Duty free shopping! (or, just wait by your gate)
* Exit the airport
* Go through immigration and customs
* Enjoy the in-flight entertainment system & meals. Talk to other passengers.
* Go through security with your carry-on luggage
* Enter the airport
* Prepare for takeoff: put your seat upright & make sure your seat belt is fastened
* Present your passport & check in your luggage
* Board the aircraft when your flight is called
* After the plane has taxied to the gate, exit the aircraft
-Maybe watching this short film will help
Today's plan June 22nd
Adding a picture of your destination
Where is this chicken?

Whoever can first guess which country I took this picture in (click comment) will get an extra particiaption point.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Travel style survey copy - for studying only
Why do you travel?
| |||
Where do you want to go?
| |||
Who do you want to travel with?
| |||
How do you like to travel?
| |||
Money, money, money.
| |||
Safety or adventure?
Travel Project number 1 (example)
Each class for the next few weeks, we will update the blog post.
Today, you first have to think about where you want to go!
This unit has two projects (both 20 points):
-An ongoing activity where you plan your dream vacation and blog about it.
*You have 250,000 yen to plan a vacation. You choose the time & place.)
*Here is an example.
-At the end of the unit, you will post some travel information on WikiTravel or an other site. (More explanation later.)
First, answer the survey on Ferris Passport about your TRAVEL STYLE.
Write on your blog:
a. Where are you going to go for your trip? Why?
b. Describe your travel style, using 3 words from the survey
Search for your flight on (Make sure you understand all the vocab on the search page.) Edit your blog about your trip and copy the key details on your blog:
* When to depart and arrive?
* What is the airline?
* What is the airfare?
* Do you stop over in a city or dop you have a nonstop flight?
* What class (economy, business, first)?
Famous quote from Mark Twain
Today's plan June 15th
How to publish your review on
1. Go to
2. Register to Click on register, on the top-right hand corner and fill in your information.
After this, you have to check your email and confirm your account. (After this, you do NOT need to give your name, birth date, etc.)
3. Go back to IMDb and search for your movie.
4. Next to "User Reviews" for the movie (towards the bottom), click on "(Review this title) ".
5. Type the title (your main point), vote for how many stars you give the movie, and copy & paste your movie review.
6. If approved, IMDb will send an email in a few days telling you the URL of your review. Save this, and post the URL on your blog by next week (if possible).
If you have some trouble, don't worry or panic. Email me or come talk to me!!!
Congratulations! You contributed to a web site used by millions of native and fluent speakers of English!